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Milon Arvi-Ivri
Hebrew University Jerusalem | |
Hebrew University Jerusalem | |
Nachschlagewerke / Wörterbücher | |
Die Online-Ausgabe des Arabisch-hebräischen Lexikons des modernen Arabisch, herausgegeben von Menahem Milson, wird laufend aktualisiert. Basis dieser Ausgabe ist das Lexikon von David Ayalon and Pessah Shinar, Jerusalem, Magnes Press, 1947, ISBN 965-223-595-4 |
Milon Arvi-Ivri = Arabic-Hebrew Dictionary = מילון ערבי-עברי
This is a dictionary of contemporary standard Arabic, as used primarily in the Arabic oral and written media. However, since Arabic has over 1,400 years of rich literary history, contemporary Arabic naturally incorporates words and expressions originating in ancient sources, including the Koran, Hadith and other religious literature, as well as early poetry and proverbs. Moreover, the rise of fundamentalist Islam in the recent generation has increased the currency of words and idioms originating in the religious texts; thus, expressions which were considered archaic 50 or 60 years ago are now back in circulation, including in the media. This dictionary naturally aims to include these words and expressions.
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DFG 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027 FID Jüdische Studien spezifischer Nutzerkreis